The Estate

The Estate

Contrada Rekhale, south-ovest of Pantelleria. A “natural theatre” descends gradually towards the sea becoming the “stage” of our estate. Set among ancient vines and secular olive trees, capers and Mediterranean essences, terraces and stone walls, Rekhale Estate maintains the atmosphere of a very ancient small dammuso, once used for the work in the fields, through a wise restructuring, that left intact the charm of this old site conferring it elegance and comfort. Rekhale Estate was, is and remains an authentic rustic place handed down for generations.

The combination of volcanic soil, sea, winds, and cultivations, make this place unique. The wine and the connection between the cultivation of grapevine sapling and man received the recognition as World heritage by Unesco in 2014.

In 2016 thanks to the resolution of the Regional Sicilian Council and the Presidential Decree, the island of Pantelleria became ” Island Of Pantelleria National Park “. The tourism accommodation is composed by two Dammuso on a property of 12,000 square meters – offering the pleasures of simple and sophisticated country life.

La struttura ricettiva si compone di due Dammusi su un terreno di 12.000 metri quadrati – e conserva intatta la capacità di godere dei piaceri semplici e raffinati della vita di campagna.
L’estensione del terreno permette alle due strutture di essere completamente distinte e autonome con accessi carrabili indipendenti. A richiesta, tutta la struttura può essere riservata ad un uso esclusivo.

Tenuta Rekhale